Permanent Fund Dividend FAQ

Table of Contents

1. How long will it take to refund my PFD?
2. What if the paying parent is incarcerated?
3. How much will CSED take from the PFD / How much can I expect to get?
4. Who gets the PFD money CSED collects?
5. If the paying parent applied for direct deposit will CSED receive the funds in September?
6. What happens if the paying parent has more than one case with CSED?
7. Have you garnished the paying parent's PFD?
8. I know the paying parent filed for the PFD, why didn't you get it?
9. How long after the PFD is received by  CSED will I receive my payment?
10. If too much was collected, when will the excess be refunded to the paying parent?
11. Why didn't CSED collect  the full amount owed to me?
12.  Why was the full PFD intercepted but missing $2.00?
13. Can I make a payment agreement to receive part of my PFD?
14. Why is Alaska CSED taking my PFD when I am currently paying through another state?

1.  How long will it take to refund my Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD)?

Before CSED will refund a PFD to a person we check with the Permanent Fund Division to see if there are other garnishments on the account.  If there are liens on the PFD, other than ours, the money will be returned to the Permanent Fund Division for disbursement.

2.  What if the paying parent is incarcerated?

An individual who incarcerated during the qualifying year is not eligible for a Permanent Fund Dividend. In order to be disqualified, they must be convicted of a felony, a misdemeanor if the person was convicted of a prior felony or has two or more misdemeanors in the State of Alaska.

3. How much will CSED take from the PFD / How much can I expect to get?

The amount requested from a paying parent's PFD is based on the debt owed as of the last day of August. CSED can garnish up to 100% of the PFD, if the paying parent owes the same amount or more.

4.  Who gets the PFD money CSED collects?

If the custodial parent was never on public assistance and arrears are owed in the case, the PFD funds will go to the custodial parent.

If the custodial parent is receiving public assistance and a debt is owed to the state, the PFD funds will go to the state. If the PFD satisfies the debt to the state, any excess collected would go towards arrearages owed to the family, any other arrearages or fees.

CSED anticipates receipt of PFD funds beginning mid-October of each year. We will continue to receive funds throughout the remainder of the year and on in to the following year until all dividends are paid out by the Permanent Fund Division. The funds are sent to us in batches. Batch numbers are determined by the Permanent Fund Division according to the date the PFD application was received.

5. If the paying parent applied for direct deposit, will CSED receive the funds at the time of the first September distribution?

CSED anticipates receipt of PFD funds beginning the middle of September.  We will continue to receive funds during the year.  The funds are sent to us in batches.  Batch numbers are determined by the Permanent Fund Division according to the date the PFD application was received.

6. What happens if the paying parent has more than one case with CSED?

The funds will be split between the various cases according to debt balances.

7. Have you garnished the paying parent's PFD?

If the arrearages are $5 or more, the PFD will automatically be attached.

8. I know the paying parent filed for the PFD, why didn't you get it?

Either the paying parent didn't apply or didn't qualify for the PFD. Sometimes we do not get a PFD initially because PFD is waiting for additional information from the applicant. The Permanent Fund Division does not give us specific reasons for a PFD not being paid out.

9. How long after the PFD is received by CSED will I receive my payment?

We try our best to have the funds go out the next business day.

10. If too much was collected, when will the excess be refunded to the paying parent?

We work refunds as quickly as possible. However, before a refund can be issued we must still contact the Permanent Fund Division to see if there are other liens in place. If there are, the excess would be refunded to the Permanent Fund Division.

11. Why didn't CSED collect the full amount owed to me?

The PFD garnishment is based on the debt amount on the day of the withholding order.  By the time the money comes to us from PFD the arrearage may have increased.  We may have garnished the full amount but because of multiple cases the money was split.

12. Why was the full PFD intercepted but missing $2.00?

In 1994 the Alaska legislature passed a law that requires the Permanent Fund Division to charge fees to cover the cost of processing assignments.  As established by regulation, that charge is $2.00 for each assignment or unreleased garnishment.

13. Can I make a payment agreement to receive part of my PFD?


14. Why is Alaska CSED taking my PFD when I am currently paying through another state?

Often other states initiate to Alaska to collect the PFD only.  This means the paying parent will continue to work with the other state regarding their case.  Alaska will only collect the PFD and send it to the other state per their request.  Once the PFD is collected the Alaska case will close.